[Case Study] Enhancing DAST Security Scans for ACME News Company

ACME, a prominent news-based company, operates hundreds of websites accessible over the internet. These sites, primarily content-focused, share a uniform technology stack. The company's admin applications, however, remain inaccessible from the internet. Given the minimal input and largely static nature of these websites, traditional penetration testing seemed unnecessary. However, the potential brand damage from a compromised site was a significant concern.

ACME sought to ensure the security of its numerous websites through automated Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scans on a monthly basis. The challenge lay in the sheer volume of links across these sites, coupled with their minimal functionality, which resulted in prolonged scanning durations. Each scan took days to complete, delaying the identification of potential vulnerabilities.

Blueinfy, leveraging its extensive experience in DAST scanners and a deep understanding of ACME's specific technology, developed an innovative approach to optimize the scanning process. Instead of a traditional, exhaustive scan of every link, Blueinfy devised a methodology where each unique functionality was tested only once. This streamlined approach significantly reduced the scanning time while maintaining accuracy of the results.

Furthermore, Blueinfy tailored the DAST scanner to align with ACME's specific technology stack, ensuring the scans were relevant and focused on the most critical vulnerabilities. To facilitate seamless integration into ACME's GRC platform, the scan results were converted into a specific CSV format, enabling easy import and efficient use of the data.

With Blueinfy's tailored approach, ACME successfully implemented a more efficient and effective security scanning process. The new methodology allowed for timely and accurate scans, enabling ACME to promptly address vulnerabilities and protect its brand. The customization of the DAST scanner and the provision of results in CSV format ensured that the data was not only actionable but also easily integrated into ACME's existing systems.

Blueinfy's expertise in configuring DAST scanners to align with ACME's technology stack proved invaluable, offering a solution that was both time-efficient and highly accurate. This partnership underscored the importance of leveraging specialized knowledge to overcome unique challenges in cybersecurity.

Article by Hemil Shah