[Case Study] Enhancing Security in a Large Manufacturing Company's Applications

A large manufacturing company, managing a wide array of applications critical to its operations, engaged a US-based ACME company having a DAST scanner to conduct a security assessment. ACME utilized it’s proprietary automated scanner to identify vulnerabilities across the company’s applications. However, during the assessment, ACME realized that while their scanners were effective in detecting standard vulnerabilities, they had limitations in identifying more complex issues, such as logical abuses and authorization bypasses—risks that could severely compromise the security of the company’s applications.

The primary challenge was the inability of automated scanners to detect critical vulnerabilities related to business logic and authorization controls. These types of vulnerabilities require a deep understanding of the application’s functionality and how users interact with it, which often falls outside the capabilities of an automated scanner. The manufacturing company needed a more thorough approach to ensure that these high-risk issues were addressed and that their applications were secure.

Recognizing the limitations of their automated scanner, ACME sought the expertise of Blueinfy, a specialized security firm with extensive experience in uncovering complex vulnerabilities. Blueinfy proposed a targeted, time-bound manual penetration testing approach focused specifically on identifying authorization bypasses and logical abuses. Blueinfy’s team of skilled security professionals conducted in-depth manual testing of the manufacturing company’s applications. This method allowed them to simulate real-world attacks, exploring the applications' business logic, user roles, and access controls in a way that automated scanner could not.

Combining manual penetration testing with automated scans offered a balanced and comprehensive approach to security assessments specially in a scenario of large application assets. Here are some key benefits of this engagement to manufacturing company - 

1. Coverage and Depth
Scanner quickly scanned and identified common vulnerabilities across large systems, covering a wide range of issues efficiently. Scanners are great for routine checks and can handle repetitive tasks without getting tired. Manual testing explored vulnerabilities that automated scanner might miss, particularly those that require contextual understanding or nuanced analysis, such as business logic flaws, complex access control issues, and custom applications.
2. Efficiency and Thoroughness
Scanner helped in accelerating the process by identifying obvious vulnerabilities, which can then be reviewed and validated by manual testers. This saved time compared to manual testing alone. Manual Testing ensured that the identified vulnerabilities are accurately validated and assessed, reducing false positives and ensuring that the results are actionable.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
Scanner reduced the overall cost of initial assessments by handling the bulk of routine checks. Manual Testing focused on high-value areas where human insight is crucial, optimizing the cost associated with expert time.
4. Adaptability
Scanner were configured and run at regular intervals, providing ongoing assessments and alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities. Manual Testing adapted to the specific context of the application and its environment, adjusting tactics based on findings and changing threat landscapes.
5. Comprehensive Reporting
Scanner generated detailed reports with identified vulnerabilities, often with recommendations for remediation. Manual Testing provided in-depth analysis and contextual information that enhances the automated reports, offering insights into the impact and potential exploitability of vulnerabilities.
6. Continuous Improvement
Scanner continuously updated to detect new vulnerabilities and threats as they emerge. Manual Testing allowed for human intuition and understanding of emerging threats, contributing to a more nuanced security posture.

The manual penetration testing approach recommended by Blueinfy proved to be highly effective. Blueinfy team identified critical authorization bypasses or logical abuses in more than 98% of the applications tested. The combination of manual testing, with its focus on high-risk areas, and the automated scanning provided a comprehensive assessment that uncovered a significant number of vulnerabilities that could have otherwise gone undetected.

As a result, the manufacturing company was able to address these vulnerabilities, significantly enhancing the security of their application assets. The collaboration between Blueinfy and ACME not only improved the manufacturing company’s overall security posture but also demonstrated the value of integrating manual and automated testing methods. By partnering with Blueinfy, ACME ensured that even the most complex and subtle vulnerabilities were identified and mitigated, safeguarding operations and reducing the risk of potential security breaches of the client applications.

In essence, using both manual and automated penetration testing approaches leverages the strengths of each, leading to a more robust and effective security assessment.

Article by Hemil Shah