SecurityByte & OWASP event in India

Blueinfy is conducting one day workshop and sharing research at this event.

Cloud Hacking – Distributed Attack & Exploit Platform

We are witnessing applications, networks and infrastructures moving towards cloud computing. These clouds are emerging as a common platform to perform distributed attacks. Web/Enterprise 2.0 technologies are adding a new dimension to compromise cloud security. In this talk following topics will be covered with real life cases, tools and demonstrations.
  • Fingerprinting and Footprinting clouds and resources
  • Clouds internals and discoveries
  • Cloud applications’ internal APIs and session hijacking & fixations
  • Privilege and authorization escalations in cloud computing
  • Network and Operating Systems hacks inside clouds
  • Exploiting client side of cloud users
  • Attack methods and exploits
  • Impact analysis of cross domain access inside cloud - Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace etc.
  • Google’s model and security threats – lessons to learn
  • Live hacks and demos
  • Tools to take away

Advanced Web Hacking – Securing Ajax, RIA and SOA

Introduction and adaptation of new technologies like Ajax, Rich Internet Applications and Web Services has changed the dimension of Application Hacking. We are witnessing new ways of hacking web-based applications and it needs better understanding of technologies to secure applications. The only constant in this space is change. In this dynamically changing scenario in the era of Web 2.0 it is important to understand new threats that emerge in order to build constructive strategies to protect corporate application assets. Application layers are evolving and lots of client side attack vectors are on the rise like Ajax based XSS, CSRF, Widget injections, RSS exploits, Mashup manipulations and client side logic exploitations. At the same time various new attack vectors are evolving around SOA by attacking SOAP, XML-RPC and REST. It is time to understand these advanced attack vectors and defense strategies.
Research and Talk