Tools are posted

Hi, I have posted following tools on the site

1. wsScanner - Web Services Footprinting, Discovery, Enumeration, Scanning and Fuzzing tool
2. scanweb2.0 - Web 2.0 Fingerprinting, Scanning and Discovery tools (Ruby scripts)
3. AppMap - Application footprinting and mapping tool using MSN APIs

It should help in assessment and audit.

Download from Blueinfy

HITB 2007 - Follow up...

HITB 2007 was great this time around as well. Both class and talk went really well. Speakers were good and was able to learn new stuff. All material is posted here.

I presented on Web 2.0 hacking, keeping focus on Ajax and Web Services. Added some new demos for better understanding. Presentation movie is not yet posted. Following is my presentation.

You can download slides from here
If you have any question feel free to drop me a note at
